Sunset over Rhos Hill |
Over the week we've completed the chicken house and run. We chose a cute looking thing with a little ladder to an upstairs bedroom - foxproof we were hoping - but the construction isn't as good as we thought. It's a little bit flimsy and will need shoring up, probably. Anyway, there is time, we're not getting hens until the beginning of June.
On Saturday we went over to Jackie and John's in LLandybydder to help them build a stone circle. After all we're total masters of that art having one ourselves...ahem. John had found eight really good sized stones in his garden (in fact they were not the largest, just the largest he could move). We created the circle in the same style as the one at Rhos Hill - a stone in each quarter and a stone between - 8 stones in all - one for each point of the ritual year. Jackie also wanted an alter and had found a flat stone for that purpose, which we balanced on 3 white quartz stones. This process took us through lunch and afternoon tea, at which point the men lit a fire and Jackie began her ritual to bless her circle, her land and to welcome in the time of May. J&J's land is quite high and the view is incredible from every aspect; a 360degree panorama of hill, forest and field. It is a stunning location for a personal ritual circle, something I feel is important in my own life. I prefer to go out to my little circle and find more solace and power in it than even I do at stonehenge or Avebury. The ancient sacred sites are wonderful, full of mystery and awe inspiring, but I don't feel as if they belong to me, which indeed they don't. We will continue to discover ancient sites in our neck of Wales, just as we did moving round Britain, making pilgramages to all the famous ones, from Skara Brae to the Merry Maidens, but guess it must feel a little like visiting great cathedrals do to Christian pilgrims; a transformational experience, but not quite as comfortable as the little church in one's home town.
After the ritual at J&J's, we where physically and metally and spritually whacked, but John, bless him, still rustled up a chilli with jacket spuds, which was wonderful fodder for tired ritualist builders. We watched a film and sank into bliss until we finally dragged ourselves home. Thank you Jackie, John and Rowan of course, for an amazing day.
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