
Middle of September (already!)

Finally, Becki and Mark (in a rather nice 2010 Volvo), came rolling round the bend and into our layby. First time they’d seen Rhos Hill, but then we both moved countries at the same time; Becki to Antibes and us to Ceredigion. 
I’m so glad they both like our fact Becki said it was the cosiest, friendliest house she’d ever been in (that was what you said, wasn’t it Bex?). We showed them to their cosy bedroom and then served them roast chicken (Mark rubbing his hands in glee) and salad/new spuds from the garden.  It was the following morning, once it was light, that they saw the garden, and were able to admire the view from Rhos Hill. Then Jim dragged them over to the field so that they could see the polytunnel. It is absolutely bursting with food now, the leeks and lettuce are shooting up, and the brasiccas look good too. The new potatoes are looking wonderfully healthy – like show specimens. They’ll be ready way before Christmas, but there are two outdoor rows that will be a little slower and probably be dug up in December. Meanwhile, we’ve got our Japanese and red onions in, and one bulb of garlic in a pot.  
Mark had a hankering to see Cardigan Bay, so we took them to Poppit Sands by way of Newcastle Emlyn, where we had lunch in the Bunch of Grapes. There we met the two men who take away our rubbish...very intimate relationship! and one of them runs the building supplies yard down the road from the pub – as usual the Tiefy network worked well and we were soon being offered a discount. 
Later on, we ate at La Calabria, where we bumped into Tiefy Evens, the man who runs the nearest farm to Rhos Hill in the direction of Rhydlewis. The following day, after Mark and Becki had gone, he came round to our house and invited us to take a look at his farm. This was the first farm we’d walked around since arriving and it was very educational...especially the marvellous conversions he’d done on a couple of barns, which now look utterly Country Homes and, in fact, are B&Bs...our closest.
Tiefy has 400 milking cows and also specializes in pork; he breeds only the local Welsh Pig, an almost white animal. We saw several sows suckling big litters and got quite excited about one day putting a couple of weaners at the bottom of the  field. Meanwhile, next week, the man who will lay the base for the garage is bringing is equipment and materials, so it’s all systems go for the next stage in the game.
It was lovely having Mark and Becki here, but we will see them again very shortly; we’re going over to Antibes on the 23rd September for the long weekend, to celebrate a trio of birthdays; Joe’s, Bex’s and Mark’s dad’s big zero. 

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful time in Antibes! Happy Birthday all! x
