
A Chakra Meditation.

I've just had a vibrant discussion with friends about chakras. I wanted to share a meditation with them, ask them what they thought.

I love to journey. This involves allowing your inner mind to float away into the spirit world and witness – through images, sounds, symbols…many different things – what is there. In my books, j
ourneying is not the same as meditation, although with both, the practitioner needs to be able to enter a trance state. Meditation is, in my definition, allow the thoughts to still sufficiently to experience an exulted state of being…enlightenment, some would call it, I find that harder to achieve. 

The way I find easiest, and most delightful is this chakra meditation. It is all about colour and it is bliss, and as a lover of Reiki, I find it easier to get into.

Slowly, moving through the spectrum, one fills oneself with colour. I start with the base chakra, the earthing part of your body, and visualize red as red
can be...a concentration of the red chakra energy that is said to be contained there. Oddly, I found this far easier than I thought I would, and the purity and strength of it meant I could stay with a single colour for ages. 

There are seven chakras and seven colours in the spectrum. This can't be coincidence...there are seven notes in an octave too. Vibrations of life. As you move up these concentrated, invisible whorls of energy, which correspond (mostly) to endocrine glands, the spine and the parasympathetic nervous system, the colours slowly change, as subtly as a rainbow…orange for the sexual organs, yellow for the solar plexus, green for the heart, blue at the throat, violet, the fastest of colour vibrations, at the third eye. Chakras are invisible, of course, so no one can prove that they’re there, but for millennia yogis have used these energies to achieve enlightenment by opening up each chakra in turn until reaching the crown, which, when opened, fills with white light.

In my meditation, this white light pours out and coats my body. Whether this only happens in my imagination or in reality is probably not as important as how it makes me feel – a combination of opposites – filled up to bursting but as empty as an egg shell – peaceful yet animated – a tender joy ready to transform into whooping glee.

I’m delighted to find a way of remaining quiet and blissfully thoughtless for more than a split second at a time. For me, that’s a breakthrough.